Things to do for free (or cheap) in the school holidays
by Vicki Barlow
• Published 01/08/2022
School's out, the cost of living is through the roof and you've got children to entertain...this year it may be harder than ever to keep the family amused through the summer holidays.
A wise woman once told me that children don't want money, they want time. Time is as rare a commodity as spare cash in some households so whether you're looking for things to do on a weekend or a day off, or you've got to plan a full weeks worth of activities, our guide on things to do for free (or cheap) this summer might just help.
The first thing on our list is good old fashioned playing out, or larking out as we called it in the 1980s.
As a working mum I used to have to send my daughter to family and friends in the school holidays and the thing she missed the most wasn't grand gestures like trips to theme parks or adventure play centres but being able to play out locally with her school friends. Your child might be too young to play out alone, or maybe you don't live close to their friends - don't let that stop you; go out and play with your children yourself if you can. Take them to the park, take a ball to the nearest piece of grass or take some chalk and play hopscotch. You don't need much to make a memory and have a great day.
We're lucky, being from Hull we are only half an hour from the coast so getting to the beach doesn't cost too much in petrol (well it certainly didn't until this year). If you can spare the fuel, do some research on local beaches and see if you can find one without any commercial premises nearby. Take a picnic, get a bucket and spade from a shop in town (cheaper than by the coast) and head to the least developed spot of coastline you can find.
It's worth checking out if there are any summer savings on bus or train journeys too as this may be cheaper than the cost of fuel at the moment - or take a look if any local coach companies are doing any day trips.
Walk, play, paddle by a river
If a beach is too far away to be cost effective, or sand in your sandwiches isn't your idea of fun, do some research on rivers, bodies of water like reservoirs or paddling pools in parks near you.
Factor into your research things like proximity to shops or other commercial businesses that might add expenses into your day and make sure the water you head to is safe for the age and abilities of your child(ren) (if you're planning to get wet).
If waterfalls are more your thing, check out our blog
Top 10 Waterfalls to visit in the UK.
There's something really mesmerising about spending time by water, especially on a warm summer day.
Many museums and art galleries are actually free to enter. Here in Hull all of the local council-owned museums offer free entry and make the perfect day out when on a budget. I've been taking my daughter to visit since she was a baby and even though she's been several times before, she still enjoys a day out as much to recall old memories as to enjoy the displays.
Your local library is always free and a nice place to read with or to your child.
Some museums, libraries and galleries plan free events throughout the summer too so it's worth checking out what's on in your area - especially on those rainy days when you just need to get out of the house.
A change is as good as a rest they say, so sometimes all you need to do to have fun is switch the fun from your neighbourhood to someone else's. Arrange play dates in someone else's back garden, ring your parents, grand parents or relatives and say you would love to bring the children over for a picnic or arrange to go to someone else's local park or play area.
When I used to suggest a walk to my young daughter she would ask 'where to?' - struggling to understand the concept of simply going for a walk for walking's sake. This idea might not suit all children then, but plan a walk for your family - great for physical and mental health too.
A walk doesn't have to be something you drive to do too, look for places you can walk to from your doorstep. One thing we used to do was make it a game, first one to see a red car or who could count the most hanging baskets or something silly like that.
If you're feeling more adventurous, check out our blogs on walking here:
5 of the Best Church Walks in the UK,
How Hiking can Improve your Mental Health and
Top 10 Hikes in the UK.
We all know that the biggest costs involved in a trip to the cinema usually come from the food kiosk rather than the ticket booth.
Plan ahead and make trips out like these more affordable. Take your own snacks and drinks and do some research - many cinemas offer cheap screenings during the holidays, usually early in the morning. Booking ahead of time can often save you money too.
If you're going to a soft play centre, see if they have any cheaper sessions available in the holidays and plan not to go around meal times - eating before or after you visit at home will save you money.
If you do have the budget for a big day out like a theme park, safari, wildlife or outdoor play do plenty of research for discount codes or two for one offers before you buy, many run offers in local newspapers or with well known brands. Always take a picnic, drinks and snacks with you too.
Have a duvet day
Do nothing. Take the pressure off yourself and plan to do nothing. A strange option to consider, but maybe all your children want is to spend time with you and stay at home.
Staying home and doing nothing doesn't have to be boring either. Have a PJ day, have a face mask and feet up day, build a nest on the living room floor and watch films all day or make a picnic and eat in the garden.
My daughter says the days where we simply couldn't afford to go out, or didn't have the energy to, are some of the best memories she has. I introduced her to my favourite Bette Davies films one day when we had put up a tent in the living room - she was more interested in the tent than the films (I think we went onto Disney films quite swiftly) but the memory remains a happy one for us both.
Use your imagination this summer and you can plan a whole host of activities that cost very little and make memories you'll all cherish forever.
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