Walking not only provides the obvious physical health benefits, but a lot of mental health benefits too. Being out walking or wheeling in your own community can help us to feel less isolated and alone, plus that sunshine and fresh air can really help to boost your mood.
To take part in
National Walking Month, all you need to do is get out and walk more! It really is as simple as that. Are there any car or bus journeys you can swap for walking? Or is there a spare 20 minutes in your lunch break where you can get outside instead of sitting on the couch watching repeats of Doctor Who?
Living Streets are asking people to #Try20, offering up 20 tips to help you fit in 20 minutes of walking into your day. This includes simple things like walking to the shops instead of driving, as well as more adventurous suggestions like doing a scavenger hunt. You’ll find all the tips
here, including links to more information around each tip, and a handy checklist!