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Mental Health

How to cope with loneliness at Christmas

by Laura Clipson
Published 20/12/2021
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Though Christmas is known as a joyful time of year, some people do struggle with loneliness throughout the festive period. Christmas can be a difficult time of year for those who have lost loved ones, as it can serve as a reminder that their loved ones are no longer there to share in the festivities.

Here are a few ways to combat loneliness this Christmas:

Reach out to a friend

Get in touch with a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while and catch up over coffee or a meal, or even just have a catch up over the phone or by video call.

Speak to someone regularly

Aim to speak to at least one person every day, whether it’s a friend or family member, a colleague or even a stranger such as a shop worker. Just a small conversation can have a positive impact on our mental health.

Join a club/group

Joining a club or group will allow you to meet new people and make new friends who share your interests.


Helping others can be a brilliant way to combat feelings of isolation, as it allows you a way to interact with others while also helping those less fortunate than yourself.

Do something productive

Go for a walk or run, do some housework you’ve been putting off, go out to do your Christmas shopping rather than ordering it all online - just ticking one thing off your to-do list can work wonders for your mental health, and help take your mind off your loneliness.

Indulge in your time alone

Take advantage of your time alone by getting a new hobby such as painting, knitting or learning a new language. You could also use the time to read something you’ve wanted to read for a while, or find a new series to binge on TV.

Be honest

If you’re struggling with loneliness, don’t suffer alone. Let someone know, whether it’s a friend or family member, or a professional, so that you can get any help you may need.

Hopefully this post has given you some ideas on how to combat feelings of loneliness this Christmas. If you think someone else may be lonely this Christmas, why not reach out to them and let them share in the festivities with you.

Thank you for reading.
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