As the Christmas period unfolds, the emphasis on family, friends and Christmas traditions can often serve as a reminder of those who have been lost, and those people who are navigating grief can often find themselves facing a unique set of challenges. Here are some ways to navigate your grief during the Christmas period, to help find moments of solace and remembrance to those we have lost.
Practicing self- care
Taking care of your mental and physical well being is important, especially during a time when emotions are heightened. The hustle and bustle of the Christmas period can often lead to stress so prioritise your self care by ensuring you get enough rest, eat a balanced diet (which can often be hard over Christmas) and engage in activities that bring you peace. Getting out in the fresh air is always a good way to help manage periods of stress and grief.
Adjusting your Christmas traditions
Keeping up with your Christmas traditions can be challenging after the loss of a loved one. By creating new traditions such as listening to their favourite christmas songs, can help bring you comfort and alignment to your current emotional state. Remember not to forget your old traditions completely as these traditions can provide a sense of routine which may be helpful to those grieving over the Christmas period
Limit your alcohol intake
It is important to be aware of how much alcohol you may be drinking over the Christmas period. With the holiday season often filled with social events and parties, it can be hard not to get caught up in the occasion. For somebody who is grieving at Christmas, alcohol can sometimes worsen the feelings of grief, so it is important to know your limit and be comfortable in letting people know this.
Volunteering in the community
For people grieving, volunteer work can often be a powerful coping mechanism and with the busy Christmas period there are many opportunities to volunteer and get involved. It gives you a chance to distract your mind from grief and allows you to focus on others instead of your own thoughts. Volunteering also gives you the opportunity to increase social connections outside of your family and friends, which can help provide meaning and improve mental health.
Facing the Christmas period while grieving is a horrible position to be in but is one that many people will face. How you cope with the loss of a loved one around Christmas is completely up to you, but remember to make sure you are talking with trusted friends and family about how you are feeling, as living with grief during Christmas can be lonely.
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