23rd December 2021. Hello my darling, it is two years ago today that we brought you home. You are next to our bed where you slept. I still miss you just as much love. My love always sweetheart your loving wife xxx E xxx
Edna Dobson:
15th December 2021. Hello my love, another birthday today, Samantha is 52. Can you remember all those hospital visits I had to do with her. Almost every Friday morning they would send a ambulance to pick us up so she could have her bloods taken. I miss you so much sweetheart, I picture you sat in your chair near the window. I love you so much. Your Loving Wife xxx E xxx
Edna Dobson:
13th December 2021. Hello my sweetheart, Laurens 27th birthday. How time goes so fast. She is in a house of Simons now on Watson Rd., we are giving her some money for her birthday. It gets so hard knowing what to give them as presents. It always seems to be money. Even though it is easier for me it aways seems to be the same. Money and a bottle of something. I love and miss you everyday my sweetheart. Your Loving Wife xxx E xxx
Edna Dobson:
19th November 2021. Hi my Darling. As you know I am going away tomorrow to our favourite place. We have had so many wonderful holidays there. I so wish you were coming with us but I know you will be watching over us all. I love and miss you so much my Sweetheart. Your Loving Wife xxx E xxx
Edna Dobson:
Candle fn_14
Left by Edna Dobson:
11th November 2021. Hi love, two years ago today since the funeral when you got your song played. THE FINAL COUNTDOWN. Time has gone so fast love, but my feelings about you never change. I love and miss you so much. Jamie has been round helping me to paint all the woodwork as it is looking shabby. He is doing all the bits low down and I am painting the doors. I did get a quote to have it done and it was £835 00p. Where on earth does he get his prices from love. Anyhow hopefully it should all be finished tomorrow thank goodness. I seem to be in such a mess in every room. Love you. Your Loving Wife xxx E xxx
Edna Dobson:
10th November 2021. Hello my darling, it is two years today that I last saw you. It was Sunday morning and Hollowells opened so I could go and see you. I wanted to see you by myself so I could talk to you like we use to. I love you so much my Sweetheart. Your Loving Wife xxx E xxx
Edna Dobson:
Candle fn_7
Left by Edna Dobson:
3rd November 2021. Hi sweetheart, Carly & Dale's 3rd wedding Anniversary today. Gosh hasn't time gone so fast. Didn't she look beautiful on her Wedding day, her dress was gorgeous and her hair looked amazing. I presume the hair was down to Corie. I love and miss you every single day my love. Your Loving Wife xxx E xxx
Edna Dobson:
Can't believe it's been two years since we said goodbye Dad, it still doesn't seem real we still expect to see you stood in the front window waving to us. Sill love and miss you forever Dad. All our love Simon, Helen & Rosie xxxxxxx
Simon Dobson: