NancyHEERANToday I ask a favour of the angels up above, Please find the Mam I deeply miss and give her all my love. Wish her Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday too, Tell her I'll be thinking of all the happy days we knew. Tell my Mam I miss her, every moment, day and night, Then wrap her in your Angel wings and cuddle her up tight. I know I've asked for quite a lot but she's worthy of such care, For if ever there was a perfect Mam, then surely it was her. Please, Angels, grant my favour for I'm truly broken-hearted, To miss my Mam's two special days, the first since we've been parted. 85 kisses and love without end For my most precious Mother and very best friend. From your brokenhearted daughter Kath. xxxx CARE ***Rose in corner please***
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