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The obituary notice of Tony Arnold Royal British PEARSALL

Nottingham | Published in: Nottingham Post.

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Tony Arnold Royal BritishPEARSALLLegion affectionally known as Arnolds Poppy man. Tony you fought and won the battle with your demons, to be taken from me so suddenly. Thank you to all the staff at QMC Adult Critical Care Unit and The City Hospital Critical Care Unit, you all fought so hard for him, you never failed him or myself, I will never forget you and the care you gave. Beloved Wife Catherine Funeral Service to be held at St Pauls Church Daybrook on Thursday 31st May at 1.30pm followed by cremation at Wilford Hill at 3.00pm No flowers please but if desired donations to The Nottinghamshire Royal British Legion Welfare Fund. Cheques only can be sent to Arnold & District Funeral Service, 36 High Street Arnold, Nottm. Tel 01159 200150 Rest in Peace my darling, Love always Catherine Lest we forget.
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888 visitors
Published: 24/05/2012
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