Anne MaryWILLIAMSONAge 70 years, of Buntingford, sadly passed away on the 1st March 2021 after a short illness. She was born in Kelso, Scotland, and grew up in Westport, Ireland. In 1978 she married Gerard Williamson in London. They moved to Buntingford in the early 1980s. She was a popular member of the community and was active in the local Catholic Church and the youth football club in the town. She is survived by her four sons; Mark, Damian, James and Nicholas and her grandchildren, Jack, Benjamin and Zac. A private funeral service will take place on Friday 12th March. Due to Covid restrictions, it will be by invitation only. The funeral will be shared on Zoom, please contact the family for details. Donations, if desired, may be made to the British Lung Foundation. All enquiries to Austin's of Buntingford Tel : 01763 274111
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