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Lasting Tribute for Keith WHITTAKER

Swansea (Abertawe), 10/11/1954 - 24/08/2020 (Age 65) | Published: Online. Notable areas: Stoke-on-Trent

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KeithWHITTAKERThis is a tribute to one of the greatest men I have ever been fortunate to meet. He was a true gentleman and a hard grafter. He was also someone I looked up to and highly respected. I wish I had spent more time with him than I did. He is a loss to everyone who knew him. My love goes out to his partner, Sue, and his family. I will raise a glass each year to you, sir. 🍺
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1759 visitors
Published: 16/10/2020
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Never forget the good times lodging away with Roltech..Rob Holford. RIP mate.
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Yolande KING