LilianWHITE(Nee Hewson) The funeral service for the Late Lilian White (90) was held on Friday 1st April 2022 at Grimsby Crematorium. The service was conducted by Reverend Katherine Farrell and the following mourners attended. Stephen and Bridget White, son and daughter-in-law Peter White, son, also representing Andrea White, daughter-in-law Susan and Paul Davies, daughter and son-in-law Christopher and Catherine White, son and daughter-in-law Matthew White, grandson Katrina Taylor, granddaughter also representing Johnnathan Taylor (husband) Emma and John Pywell, granddaughter and husband James White, grandson, also representing Sarah, Edward, Katie, Jonjo and Paddy, grandchildren Hayley Davies, granddaughter, also representing Tim Harrison, partner Adam Davies, grandson Charlotte Davies, granddaughter Louise Davies and Connaire Egan-King, granddaughter and partner Alexander and Chloe White, grandson and granddaughter Logan Pywell, great-grandson Daniel Clark, Louisa Harrison and William Harrison, great grandchildren May Lewis, sister Pat Blissett, sister, also representing Jean Hewson and family Pam and Bill Proctor, sister and brother-in-law Janet and Terry Tresadern, niece and husband Beverley and John Yorston, niece/goddaughter and husband, also representing Natalie and Victoria, great-nieces and Thomas Yorston, great nephew Tracie Gorrod, niece Lynne Brompton, niece, also representing Jimmy Brompton Lynsey Procter, niece Chloe Booth, niece Sharon Procter, niece Bill Procter, nephew Daniel Procter Sue Procter Becky Procter Paul Hewson, nephew, also representing Graham and Carol Brett Hewson, nephew Brian Hewson, nephew John Hewson, nephew David and Joanne Lewis, nephew and wife Sean and Nicola Blissett, nephew and wife Philip Harland, cousin Christine Beavan, cousin Valerie Hewson, niece-in-law Heidi Hewson, great niece David Cook, cousin, also representing Anne Palmer, cousin Vida Carratt, cousin Philip Carratt, cousin Other mourners attending: Joan Bryant Nancy Collins Sue Burchell Helen Goodman, also representing the Trustees of Age UK North East Lincolnshire Jane Moody Linda Wright Neil Arundel Sally Arundel Harry Arundel Linda Young, also representing Betty Brown Jackie Finney Kerry Bateman and Helen Sutton, Homefield House Funeral arrangements were by Sentiments Funeral Home,