I received with shock the news of your death but was consoled by your unwavering faith and kindness. The little times we shared and the hospitality shown to me and my sisters are testament of your big heart. Each time of my visit were times to make jokes and talk about football. You never demonstrated fragility, you were always up and about to ensure we were comfortable.
I rejoice with the Host of Angels and the Choirs of Heaven as they prepare to welcome the soul of a great man. You have run your race, now your reward awaits you. To the Ward's family and friends, a loss, but to God, a gain.
I leave my thoughts and prayers with Mama , Ann and her brothers. May y'all find solace in the risen Lord, who's our hope and final bus stop.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
May the soul of Mr Alphonsus Ward rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen.
Fr Crescent Iloka.
Fr Crescent Iloka