Nan, where do I begin, I didn’t think I would be writing this any time soon. I always thought you and Grandad would live forever, you’ve been through so much ill health and always come through the other side with a smile on your face. You were small in stature but larger than life and always a fighter.
You were a proud woman, always perfectly put together. We never saw you without your hair and make-up perfectly done, your iconic orangish lipstick and always with an abundance of jewellery that I would sit and admire for hours as a child. You would tell me a story for each special piece. Even taking me to Henry Hirds where you bought me my first gold ring.
I remember rummaging through your handbag each time you came to visit, searching for hidden treasures, seeing what things we could find that were simply “you”. Admiring your shoes that were just so tiny! When visiting you I can still feel the joy of you giving us all 50p to spend at the corner shop on a bag full of goodies, feeling so grown up that we got to walk across the road to the shop all by ourselves. Sneaking into your front room which was always pristine, a special place where no one was really allowed, yet it added to the charm of your home. As I got older, our conversations became longer, and I cherished your strong opinions—never afraid to say what you thought, always speaking your mind. You stood up for us when Grandad jokingly wound us up, never really understanding his playful ways.
Thank you for always being so kind and patient with my girls. They both have such treasured memories of/ with their Great Nana Walker and will always remember how you made them feel with all the cuddles and laughter you brought.
Though you may be gone, your spirit lives on in the memories we cherish, in the lessons you taught us, and in the love you gave. You will always be a part of us.
Love always, Jordan, Mia and Kate xxxx