My beautiful Grandma made it to the wonderful age of 94. However, even at this age, it still doesn't make this journey any easier. Everyone who knows me well, will know how much my Grandma meant to me 💔 She wasn't just my Gran, but my best friend. She was the most caring, kindest, strongest most loving person I could ever wish to meet. We did so much together. You will truly be in my heart forever..and always. My world..🌎My Gran
A Poem dedicated to you...
I thought of you with love today,
but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday,
and the days before that too.
I think of you in silence,
I often speak your name.
All I have are my memories
and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake,
with which I'll never part.
Heaven has you in its keeping,
and I will always have you in my heart ❤️ xxx