Angela RosemarySTUBBINSList of mourners attending the Funeral Service of the late Miss Angela Rosemary Stubbins on Wednesday 30th October 2019 at Woodlands Crematorium, Scunthorpe. The service was officiated by Mrs Michelle Button and Funeral Arrangements by Jason Threadgold Funeral Director. Gordon & Bette Stubbins, Steve Stubbins, Malc & Jackie Stubbins, Peter & Sue Stubbins - Brother & Sister in Law, Elizabeth & Pete Cleary - Sister & Brother in Law, Jayne Stubbins - Niece & Neil Kirby, Lorna Kirby & Emma Kirby, Audrey Johnson & Malcolm Thomas - Cousin & Partner, Andrew Johnson - Cousin & Sally Jervis- Cousin representing Mrs Margaret Johnson - Aunty, Bid Muxlow - Cousin & Russ Fenwick, Paul Stubbins & Louise Stubbins - Nephew & Wife, Ian Stubbins - Nephew & Melissa Jackson, Gary Stubbins - Nephew & Mel Oates, Mark & Jeanette Stubbins - Nephew & Wife, David Stubbins - Nephew, Joanne Wilson - Niece, Tia Wilson - Great Niece. Jane & Richard Watson, David & Christine Griffin, Doug Parker, Mrs Wendy Webb, Shirley & David Stocks & Mary-Ann Claypole, Steve & Kathy Chesney, Pat Readhead & Penny Goodhand, Margaret Brown - Brigg Gateway & Alan Brown, Cynthia Brown, Andrea Kean, Sally Price representing Sandra Malaspina, Rena Foster & John Richardson, Mr & Mrs R Spencer, Dave & Wendy Bell, Mrs Heather Northall, Kay Scotter, Madeline & Pete Foster, Val France - Family Friend, David Barker, Chris Dee & Sylvia Leedham, Janet Hebblewhite, Sally Gray, Helen Riley, Roy & Deborah Hemstock , Shirley Richards, Glynis Vickers, Jean Frow representing Donna Frow, Ann Spencer representing North Lincolnshire Adult Services, Carl & Linda Hoeft, Chris & Alice Baxter, Allan & Diana Buckley, Christine & Dean Broddle, Wendy Gledhill, Jane Stafford, Sunningdale Court Staff, Pat Parkinson, Sarah Diaper - representing all Friends from Martyn's Music, Simon Hague & Owen Wilson, Peter & Sharon Jacklin, Martyn Barker, Joyce Sharpe - Friend, Conrad Dew & Ellen Borrill, Mr & Mrs Townend, Sophie Diaper, John & June Williamson, Carol Hargreaves, Sally Waters, Norma Cleary, Anthony Egan, Linda Marshall, Julie Tindle representing Sharon Frost & June Goodrum, Jenny Hill representing Jill Jones, Louise Duffill & Anna Taylor representing North Lincolnshire Council - Social Services, Vic & Pat Bowness representing Brigg & District Gateway Club, John Hoodlass representing Denise & Family, Martin & Sarah Wilson representing Alf Pearce, Drew & Trish Campbell representing Amanda Mallinson, Neil Johnson representing Mr & Mrs Colin Johnson & James Whitwell, Mr Ted Simons representing Ken Simons, Sue Chapman representing Jenny Baker & Helen Chapman, Paul Jackson - Old Scunthonian, Class of 62, Mr J Drury representing Murial Drury, Lesley Jones representing Paul & Jessica, Robert & Charlie Clark, Jerry Clark, Harry, Lizzie & Will Clark, Ann Collins representing Christopher, Joanne & Family.
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