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Funeral Service of David SMITH

Scunthorpe | Published in: Scunthorpe Telegraph.

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DavidSMITHThe funeral of the late Mr David Smith, aged 62 years took place at Woodlands Crematorium, on Monday 27th March 2023. Mr Tim Abrams officiated at the service. FAMILY MOURNERS Ida Cook - mother, Gillian Snowden - sister, Andrew Snowden - brother in law, Christine Lock - sister, Garry Lock - brother in law, Alison Chase - sister, Philip Chase - brother in law, Margery Kingscott - auntie, Susan Phillips - cousin, Claire Parton - niece, Michael Parton, Allan Snowden - nephew, Tamsin Snowden, Martin Stamp - nephew, Chloe Stamp, Jenny Lock - niece, Sean Phillips, Samantha Chase - niece, Joshua Chase - nephew, Thomas Chase - nephew, Gary Lock - nephew, Wes Lock - nephew; OTHER MOURNERS Chris & Alicia Bagnall, Chris Astle, Mike Roberts, John Guntrip, Kate Lock, Ben Lock, Kevin Cooper, Gwenn Chambers, Alison Cobb, Mr Jenkins, Les Hope, Sarah Brown, Tony Brown, Ryan Horton, Jamie Baker, Ian Wilkinson, Daniel Shaw, Craig Scott, Ian Ayre, Harry Lovitt, Alan Garside, Paul Tate, Rob Hutson, Thomas Bain, Darren Johnson, Rose Coy, Mylea Hamilton, David Sefton, Ben Everett, Nathan Bluett, Alan Yull, Chris Barber, Clrodiu Trekr, Adrian Strancue, Peter Bright, Gwyn Bright, Andrew Holliday Funeral arrangements were made by J Naylor Funeral Directors
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Published: 06/04/2023
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