Nan, I love you dearly, and miss you lots, you was always there to make sure we was ok, our go to place, the problem solver, didn't matter the time of day or night, you was always pleased to see us, and always made us laugh.
We are all missing you, everything you have been through these last couple of years showed us how strong you were. Each time something happened you always got back up, smiled and carried on, I have no idea how each time you pulled through but you did, You are the strongest woman I know, and proud to call you my Nan.
You was adored by all who knew you and your grandchildren loved you lots, you loved to spoil all of us, we all knew how much you loved us.
Your memories will never fade, they are locked tight in my heart, you taught me quite a lot over these years, wish you didn't have to leave us, towards the end this life was cruel, if love could of made you stay you would be still here today,
We was so lucky to have you for as long as we did, and now your reunited with Grandad, Uncle Kenny, and all the family who have passed before, we couldn't keep you forever, but we will meet again, hope we make you proud Nan, love and miss you Nan, love Michelle xxxx
Michelle Stockman