RubySCHIECHA funeral service for Mrs Ruby Schiech (92) of Barrow-upon-Humber, who passed away on 21st April 2019, was conducted by Reverend Nichola Jones at Barrow-upon-Humber Methodist Church on Friday 3rd May 2019 and was followed by committal at Barton-upon-Humber Cemetery. Family mourners attending: Barry Schiech, son, Lauren Barley, grandaughter, Claire Glew, grandaughter, Philip Glew, grandson-in-law, Johnathon Lillicrap, grandson, Paula Lillicrap, grandaughter-in-law, Reece Glew, great grandson, Connor Glew, great grandson, Pauline Lillicrap, Barry Lillicrap, Amber Shepherdson, Mrs M. Harper (also rep Mr B Harper), great-niece, Miss J Farniss and Mr C Whittaker (also rep Mr M Todd), great-niece and partner, Mrs R Whittle, cousin, Mrs M Jordan, cousin, Alex Norris, cousin, Helen Norris, cousin, Jenny, friend Others attending included: Mr and Mrs G Bell, Mr and Mrs D Dillerstone, Mr and Mrs M Bell, Mrs J Harris, Ms J Metcalfe, Mr C Denniff, Mrs J Walton (also rep Mr P Walton), Mr G Bagglay (also rep Mr M Bagglay), Mrs B Hebblewhite, Mrs J Chapman (also rep. Darren and Mark), Mrs C McIntyre, Mrs P Roberts (also rep Mr J Roberts), Mrs L Stead, Mr and Mrs G Roberts, Mrs P Pearson (also rep Mr M Pearson), Mr D Blakey (also rep Mr C Howson), Mrs J Tippler (also rep The Monday Club), Mrs M Cobb, Mrs M Welton, Mr and Mrs B Lait, Mrs L Gouldthorpe (also rep Mrs D Witter), Mrs K Haywood, Mrs F Broughton (also rep Mrs S Roberts-Day, Mrs J Setterfield, Mr and Mrs Marriat), Mrs Atkin, Mrs M Blakey, Mrs A Margetson, Mr J Bell, Mr and Mrs G Parkin, Mrs J White, Mr and Mrs D Chaplin, Mr S James (also rep Mrs J James and Mrs S James Snr), Mrs V Beswick, Mr J Beswick, Mr and Mrs D Neal, Mrs P Brown, Mr and Mrs B Vermeulen, Mrs J Robinson, Mrs A Chapman, Mr N Bell, Mrs A Barrass (also rep Castlethorpe Nursing Home), Mr N Campbell Funeral arrangements were by H & HJ Huteson & Sons of Barton-upon-Humber, Immingham & Winterton.
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