It’s hard to believe that a year has passed. In some ways, time has felt like it stood still, yet in others, it has flown by. The loss of you is something I carry with me every single day, and not a moment goes by without thinking of you.
You knew me better than anyone else. Your kindness, strength, and love shaped who I am today. In every memory I hold, I feel your presence. The advice you gave me, which I didn’t always understand at the time, now seems like wisdom beyond measure.
This year has been filled with tears. The guilt I feel for moving away, not only taking myself out of your daily life but also your grandchildren, is ever-present. I know you were proud of me, but I still feel I could have done so much more. There have also been moments of quiet reflection when I’ve felt you close, as if you never truly left. Knowing your strength and understanding that you would want me to keep moving forward and finding joy in the small moments, just as you did, gives me comfort.
Mum, I miss you every day. But I carry you with me—your love, your strength, and your spirit. You are forever a part of who I am, and I promise I will never forget the lessons you taught me, the love you showed me, and the laughter you brought into my life.
Thank you for being my everything. Love always, Bob x
Robert Sanderson