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Lasting Tribute for Bruce ROSA NINA (EGLI)

Royal Tunbridge Wells, 01/04/1929 - 07/12/2020 (Age 91) | Published: Online.

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BruceROSA NINA (EGLI)Rosa was a woman of many talents. She graduated from RADA, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, with a bronze medal in the early 1950s, and toured with the Royal Shakespeare Company as an actress and costume maker. After the early death of her husband, Dr. Peter Evans, in a car accident, she devoted her energies to bringing up her three children, single-handedly. She became a chef in the 1970s, and managed Pilgrim’s, the pioneering wholefood restaurant in Tunbridge Wells, recommended by Egon Ronay. She later held kitchen management roles at Sissinghurst Castle and the Trinity Arts Theatre. She passed away quietly at 91, greatly admired and loved by friends and family.
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Published: 07/01/2021
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On Zoom I see my mothers face
She's living in a different place
I search her eyes for a trace
Of the past we shared:
Sometimes it surfaces there.
Like a bright jewel plucked from dark seas
Her lively eyes twinkle at me.
She tries to reach for my hand-
But I am remote in cyber land.
I want to show her that I care.
I play a song to fill the air.
A smile flits across her face
I wish I could be in that place,
To hold her work-worn hands
And let her understand
She laboured not in vain.
Her loyal daughter I remain.
I remember she stood by me
Like a warrior queen protecting me
When life had hurt and battered me.
There on the rocks for all to see
She helped up a shattered me.
With the sharp sword of her love
Away my troubles she drove.
My keen-eyed mother
Sewing, baking, looking after friends,
Smiling at snobs and their grand pretends
Giving her grandchildren love and much joy
With a game or a hug or a favourite toy
The salt of the earth: She helped out the poor.
So I will celebrate and let non ignore
This noble lady's deeds of yore
This RADA graduate , socialist and Cook
Deserves more than a poem In life's long book
I hope to reflect her great courage and heart
I miss her so much now we are apart .

By Dido for her Beautiful Mum How I wish I could have been at her side
Bless you Rosa

Dido Walker
Tribute photo for Bruce ROSA NINA (EGLI)
Rosa Hansi Dido BJ and Selma
Dido Walker
Tribute photo for Bruce ROSA NINA (EGLI)