Margaret ElizabethROBERTSThe funeral service of the late Margaret Elizabeth Roberts aged 80 years was conducted by Laura Thompson in the Grimsby Crematorium on Wednesday 4th October 2023.
Family and friends attending the service: -
Kenneth Roberts husband; Sally and Shaun Pickett daughter and son-in-law; Elaine and Lee Parkinson niece and husband; Deborah Hobson niece; Julie Hobson niece (also representing Valerie and Vernon Garritt & Stephen and Sarrah Hobson); Chloe Hobson great-niece; Brenda True; Rose Wood-Dawson (also representing Beryl Humphrey); Rona Renyard; Val Garner (also representing Cindy Clark); Margaret Steer (also representing Richard Steer and family); Mary and Darrell Beaver; Christine Scott; Colin and Bessie Kirby (also representing Mark Kirby, Gaynor Harrison and Alice Chapman); Rebecca Walsham and Tracy Briggs (also representing Glyn Thomas House); Dave and Joanne Graham; Natalie and Dave Mason; Gordon and Teresa Metcalf (also representing June Wells); Lynne Botham (also representing Margaret Smith); Mark Ellis; Mavis and Bob Waller; Martyn and Natalie Brown; Jo and Tony Wood; Jill Wood; Tracey and Carl Norman; Tina Hutterby (also representing Steve Hutterby); Ray and Judy Corke; Mark Holt; Annie Pickett; Sally Pickett; Dawn Simpson; Absentee: - Paula and Nigel Hall.
Funeral arrangements were by Near & Near Undertakers The Mews, David Street, Grimsby and 373 Pelham Road, Immingham