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Lasting Tribute for Trevor PRITCHARD

Guide Bridge, Date of Death 30/09/2021 | Published: Online. Notable areas: Eighton Banks, Denton

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TrevorPRITCHARDTrevor was born in County Durham but spent his formative years being brought up and schooled in Guide Bridge where he lived with his Mum, Dad and six siblings. He would later set up home with his own family in Denton, he had two children and he and his wife Yvonne were together for fifty three years. He worked on the railway from the age of fifteen as a signal man and crane driver, and he was proud to represent his fellow workers when elected a member on the National Executive Council of the National Union of Railwayman in his later career. Trevor enjoyed a full and happy retirement together with Yvonne, he was always a great lover of travel and they enjoyed very many UK and overseas holidays together. In his later years he took up many new hobbies and was often to be seen tending his allotment. He leaves behind his wife, two children and two grandchildren. The funeral will take place at 3.15pm on 18th October at Stockport Crematorium.
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1141 visitors
Published: 12/10/2021
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