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Funeral Service of Barbara PORTER ((Babs))

Scunthorpe | Published in: Scunthorpe Telegraph. Notable areas: Messingham

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BarbaraPORTER(Babs) The funeral of the late Mrs Barbara (Babs) Porter, aged 81 years took place at Woodlands Crematorium, on Thursday 15th June 2023. Mr Tim Abrams officiated at the service. FAMILY MOURNERS Len Porter - husband, Warren Porter - son, Russell Porter - son, Bradley Porter - son, Debbie Porter - daughter in law, Donna Porter - daughter in law, Dawn Porter - daughter in law, Megan Porter and Jay Johnson - grandaughter and partner, Jack Porter and Jen Robinson - grandson and partner, Mia Porter - grandaughter, Ella Porter - grandaughter OTHER MOURNERS Tim & Lucy Waters, Paul & Joan McNicholas rep Gareth & Sue Evans, Gary Millett, Joan Millett, Sarah Redhead, Tony Robinson, Jane Robinson, Zoe Khan (Robinson), Duane Bowers, John & Michelle Porter, Margaret & Peter Clark, Stu Foster & family, Chris Keogh, Mr & Mrs Driskell, Craig & Carol Watson, Mary Hunsley rep Ann Smith, Ken Ward, Marlene Ward, Dave Clark, Mr & Mrs Newlove, Mr & Mrs M Hilton, Dawn & Gordon Robinson, Stuart Buss, Paul Everatt, Derick Drayton, Ann & Bob Turner rep Ben Broadhurst, James Lacey rep Sarah Lacey, Fran Jones, Mandy Jones, Janice & Dave Butler, Mark & Julia Butler, Mr & Mrs Hough, Julie Dobbs rep Hospital, Maurice & Pat Hope, Melanie Porter, Ann Porter, Rebecca Dyble, Chris Fawcett, Lisa Cressey, Christina Wilcock, Barry & Marlene Kitchen, Derek Sissons, Herbie Lawrence, Roy Todd, Hazel Ford, Karen Robinson rep Nick Robinson, Mr & Mrs K Armstrong, Denis Galvin, Pat & Peter Spencer, Susan Marshall, Jean Robinson, Bev Hall, Simon Tuplin, Di & John Leak, Wendy & Andy Gledhill, Darren Whitworth, Arnold Francis, Gordon & Janet Welch, Peter, Ivy & Richard Cook, Mel & Pip Frear, Rex & Sally Thornton, Sandra Todd, Ian Robinson, Carol Skipworth, Sandra Harris, Andrew Harris, Harry Harris, Amy Harris, Denise Harris, Dave Bartle, Dennis & Ellen Gregory, Ray Hammond & Sandra Hammond, Dave Spencer & Gloria Spencer, Mick & Maz Gray, Frank & Janet Foster, Pete Robinson, Jill Duff & Gordon Funeral arrangements were made by J Naylor Funeral Directors
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Published: 06/07/2023
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