HarryOLIVERList of mourners attending the Funeral Service of the late Mr Harry Oliver on Thursday 30th May 2019 at Woodlands Crematorium Scunthorpe. The service was officiated by Revd Alison Pledger and Funeral arrangements by Jason Threadgold Funeral Director Mrs Margaret Oliver - wife Gary Oliver - son Veronique Oliver - daughter in law - representing Colfort family Barbara & Colin Leedham Andrew Leedham Carl Leedham Keith Nicholson Paul & Jayne Nicholson Daniel Nicholson Mr & Mrs Jeff Leedham Ruby Harris - sister Jean Robinson Rita Jessop & Mary Peter & Amanda Oliver Mr & Mrs N Pass Mr Steven Pearson Maureen Leonard Margaret & David Pearson Pillip & Joyce Ledgerwood representing Helen, Benjamin & Adam Jayne Ledgerwood Paul & Judy Willock Philip Maw representing Paul Lovatt John James Janice & Keith Garner representing G Sheardown Chibby Mr & Mrs Fitch Mr & Mrs D Knaptom Sue Knapton representing Ralph Ogg John Everatt Gordon Ogg representing Mark & Richard Ogg Mr & Mrs Fenwick Neil Maloney Helen Smith Mary Trewin Thomas Standerline Pauline Maddison Mr & Mrs B Snowden Evie Morris, Jackie and Maia Mr T Maddison representing Mrs J Maddison Adrian Quickfall representing Maria Mr & Mrs Hughes Kevin Corney Freda Roberts Mr & Mrs Hoskins Alan Gregory Mr & Mrs Stephen Kaye Lewis Kaye & Nicole McIlhone George Kaye Ann & Stuart Watkinson Ciceley Pillsworth - sister unable to attend
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