RonaldOGGList of mourners attending the Funeral service of the late Mr Ronald Edgar Ogg on Wednesday 19th April 2023 at All Saints' Church, Winteringham. The service was officiated by Rev Pat Cooke with Eulogy by Mrs Michelle Button and Funeral arrangements by Jason Threadgold Funeral Director. Michael & Marianne Ogg, Trevor & Vanessa Ogg, Katie Ogg & Rob Reddall, Martin Ogg, James Ogg & Heidi Smith, Simon Ogg, William Ogg & Emily Smith, Sharon & Ian Gilmour, Richard, Gilly, Oliver & Rosie Kirman, Glenda & John Jackson rep Mairi & Tony Wingate, Mr & Mrs N Ogg rep John Schofield & John Sawyer, Simon Ogg rep Raymond & Helen Ogg, Richard Ogg rep Claire Bilton, Josie Ogg rep Bridget Bramhill & Christopher Ogg, Jonathon & Estelle Ogg, Bill Ogg, Alec Ogg rep Dave Ogg,Thomas Ogg rep Mrs M Ogg, Gordon Ogg, Jean Key,Geoff Greaves rep Janet & Sue, Mr Bateman, Glyn Morgan,Mr & Mrs L Young,Terry Wood rep Carol Wood, Mr M Sedman, Peter Standerline, Lorna Staves, Mark Warburton rep Jane, Olivia & Freddie, Shirley Hicks rep Joe Hicks, Alan Smith rep All @ BHF Farm, Trevor Wells, Ian Dowson, Jo Corney rep Sophie Corney, Alan Corney rep Andy Freeman, Jamie Corney, Michelle Button rep Nigel Button, Joan Button rep Mr & Mrs M Smith, Simon Cook rep Sarah Cook, Dan Clayton, George & Sandra Clayton, Tim & Trish Cowdell, Liz Holden, Ali Wood, Reg Moulds rep Ken Jacklin, Ann Campbell, Jackie Case rep Graham Case, Peter Brumpton, Andy & Gail Button, Janet Button, Sharon Gibson, Gaynor Snell, Cllr Helen Rowson rep Nick Harland, Val & Eric Peill, Mrs Wood, Mr & Mrs Pike, Geoff & Angela Wells, Margaret Gratton, Trevor Gratton, Simon Knapton rep the Knaptons of Whitton, George Smith, John White, Raymond Long, Wayne Watson, Mr Hatton, Warwick Oliver, Brian Wall rep Alan Preston, Mr & Mrs S Brown rep James Brown, Ralph Ogg Sharon Wells, Wendy Sutton rep Ann Tong, Sylvia Woods, Helen Hales, Greg Pearce, Kev & Annette Corney rep Wendy Lindsley & Janice Button, Pete & Diane Atkinson, Rex & Dawn Leaning, John Hatcliffe, Mr D Tong rep Mr Jacklin & Mr Everett, Mr C Tong, Daphne & Graham Petrow, Phil Bilton, Mr & Mrs Jonathon Wells rep Darren Mouncey & John Dimbleby, Richard Andrew, Richard & Louisa Button rep family, Mr & Mrs Worrall rep David Fox & Ben Jackson, Mark Dale rep Mrs PA Dale, Daniel Dale, Marion Hawkes rep Simon Spencer, Alan & Jenny Walker, Ian Parkinson, Mick Quibell, Graham & Lynn Clark rep Shirley Sutton, Andrew Jackson, David Tapper-Horner, Peter Gibson, Janette Weaver, Andrew Duck, Roy Grey, Stephen Stubbins rep Stubbins Family, Tony Dale rep DDM, Tina Antcliffe, Andrew Pascoe rep Hetts, Vicky Green rep Paul Green & Angela Todd, Nigel & Sheila Hill, Mr & Mrs Snowden rep Ann Tong, Adele Cheetham rep Steve Moffat, Dave Jacklin rep Ken Jacklin & Deborah Hanwell, M Hilton, Peter Jackson, Chris Peill, Justine Duck rep Graham Duck, Mr & Mrs S Marshall, Martin Bell rep Winteringham Church, Richard Ogg. Please note amended list, to include individuals missed off last weeks published list.
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