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The obituary notice of Luciane MURFITT

St Austell | Published in: Western Morning News.

Ken Newcombe Funeral Home
Ken Newcombe Funeral Home
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LucianeMURFITTOn Sunday 14th March 2021, at Treliske Hospital after a short illness, Luciane aged 80 years of St Austell. A much adored Sister, Aunt and Great Aunt. Due to covid restrictions a private family funeral will take place. Donations in lieu of flowers to benefit Cornwall Wildlife Trust c/o Cornwall Wildlife Trust Five Acres Allet Truro TR4 9DJ. Funeral Arrangements by Ken Newcombe Funeral Directors Holmbush St Austell PL25 3JN 01726 75869
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3996 visitors
Published: 20/03/2021
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Daffodils in the Market

"On the market stall they lay : a blaze of gold against the grey : how they came, and where they grew - no one bothered ; no one knew.

But their beauty caught the eye, and startled every passer-by ... Folk went their way, hearts light, hopes high - and never guessed the reason why."

Patience Strong (1907 - 1990)
Elizabeth Murfitt
Candle fn_18
Elizabeth Murfitt
(Very) Old Memories

Ned Miller - "From a Jack to a King"
Marty Robbins - "A White Sport Coat"
Nina and Frederick - "P uff the Magic Dragon"
Jim Reeves - pretty well everything
"Skater's Waltz"
Charlie Kunz
Bill Hayley and the Comets
No! Not Pinky and Perky!
(ha! ha! ha!)
All on YouTube now!
Bring back vinyl!
Elizabeth Murfitt
My re Fethas an Bys

"My re leveris hemma dhywgh, rag ma'gas bo kres ynnov. Y'n bys hwi a'gas bydh govijyon; mes bedhewgh a gonfort da! My re fethas an bys."

Yowann 16:33
Elizabeth Murfitt
Take heart.

"In me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."

John 16:33 (ESV)
Elizabeth Murfitt
Candle fn_20
Elizabeth Murfitt
Na fesyewgh an kathes ha keun

"Na ankevewgh dynnerghi estrenyon, rag yndellma nebes re dhynnerghis eledh heb y wodhvos."

Ebrowyon 13:2
Elizabeth Murfitt
Do not chase away the strays

"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

Hebrews 13:2 (ESV)
Elizabeth Murfitt
Candle fn_20
Elizabeth Murfitt
Ny Vydh An Tebelwas Namoy

"Hwath pols byghan ha ny vydh an tebelwas namoy : ty a hwither y dyller yn tiwysek, ha ny vydh ev ena."

Salm 37:10

An Sowter
Lyver an Salmow trelys dhe Gernewek

Kesva an Tavas Kernewek
(The Cornish Language Board)
Elizabeth Murfitt