A tribute to Cathy
No more the pain 💔 you suffer, no more the tear's you hide
Life was cruel and heartless, but I was by your side
We ventured best we could, to do what we had done
The places and the memories, where we did have such fun
As time moved on, the task it grew, much greater than before
And life became more difficult, as you crossed the threshold door
Friday was your favourite, a hairdo day for you
The smile apon you're face, hide the trouble as it grew
A soldier and a trooper 💙 you never moaned at me, of the struggle you encountered on a daily basis see
You're sight was fading, and independence too, another tragedy
No more the places you could go and see what you could see
Now gone you are, a cruel fate too, you'll suffer pain no more
I'd gladly give whatever I could to see you again some more
You're time was short, many years ahead, together we should be
To sail into the sunset, and both be happy and free 👩❤️💋👨
Allan McPhail