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In Memoriam for Terence (Albert) MCFERRAN

Hinckley, 23/12/1957 - 28/07/1974 (Age 16) | Published in:

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TerenceMCFERRANAlbert 50 years

Terence John (Albert) McFerran 23rd December 1957 - 28th July 1974.

I can scarcely believe it has been 50 years since your untimely passing at just 16 years. And caused by a poorly understood flawed medical science that loaded the dice against you, even before you were born.

As kids of a similar age, we were inseperable and an integral part of the local community. Had you been spared to maturity, I have no doubt you would have been an upstanding member of society, and your family would be justly proud. Good Christian principles had been taught to you throughout, and that makes a big difference to personal development.

Had you been lucky enough to wed and have kids, I would have given anything to have seen how yours and mine interacted with each other. And so many memories could have been passed down to them for both their entertainment and even guidance. Alas, I had to make do with merely naming my son in your honour.

When you died, part of me died too. Losing my best friend at such an early age, was a pain that still visits me today, and I have a void that is impossible to fill. It must have been devastating for your family. That you are in a good place now, is my only consolation.

God bless and look after you Albert, you were certainly one of the best.

Tad Davison
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1333 visitors
Published: 30/07/2024
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A great tribute to a great person, sadly taken too soon. Terry McFerran, still remembered and loved. God Bless
Mary Saunders
Always smiling, you fought to the end.
Never forgotten
Stefan Bates
Candle fn_15
Stefan Bates
fond memories of Terence from my school days R I P
Derek Price
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RIP Albert
Tad Davison
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