Judith EileenMCCALLANPassed away peacefully on November 28 2024, aged 81 years. Dearly beloved wife of the late John, and a dear mother to Mandy, Julie and the late Kevin, mother-in-law to Peter, Michelle, Paul and the late Chuck. Grandmother to Becky, Kane, Brett, Nathan, Holly, Isabella and Madeleine and great-grandmother to seventeen great-grandchildren.
Rest In Peace.
Funeral service to take place on Friday, December 13 at 12noon in Christ the King Church, Trenchard Avenue, Thornaby. Friends please meet at church.
Flowers to be delivered to Thornaby Funeralcare
407-409 Thornaby Road, Thornaby.
Donations, if so desired, will be gratefully received for the church fund.
Enquiries to Thornaby Funeralcare, telephone number 01642769933.
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