IanHOLLINGSWORTHList of mourners attending the Celebration of Life service of the late Mr Ian Hollingsworth on Wednesday 16th October 2019 at St John the Baptist Church, Alkborough, following committal at Woodlands Memorial Park Scunthorpe. The service was officiated by the Reverend Alison Pledger and Funeral arrangements by Jason Threadgold Funeral Director. Ann Whelpton (wife), Richard and Anne Hollingsworth, Paul and Jayne Hollingsworth Michael and Julia Backhouse, Steve and Julie Telford, Jonathon Telford, Sue and Michael Ewart, Oscar Hough-Whelpton, Sharon and Leslie Hough-Whelpton, Malcolm Whelpton, Susan May, Pat Harrison rep Lesley Roberts, Ken and Paddy Graham, D Farr, Angela Goodwin, Eric and Vanessa Smith, Ken Howitt, Jean Childs, Brenda Read, Fiona Read, John Read, John and Sally Fox, Jacqueline Setterfield, David and Jean Stephens, Bill Piggott, Brenda Brown, David and Tracy Brown, Patricia and Kevin Westbury, Jane Brierly, Ray Dent, Julia Dent, Steven and Wendy Chaplain, Pat McDaid, Anne Wilson, David Dransfield, Mr and Mrs Addison, Alison Miles, Sandy and Steve Whelpton, Anne Jackson, Fiona, Paul, Rosie and Annie Ridsdale, Avis Ablott, Katie Browne, Keith Simpson, Linda Holmes rep Peter Holmes, Shirley Mason, Sandra Luney, Kerry Eayres, Gordon Birkett, John and Margaret Jaques, Pam Richards, Ruth and Tom Fowler, Ian and Andrea Cranston, Marian Hawkes, Simon Spencer, Glenn and Fiona MacPherson, Luke Hough-Whelpton, Bonnie Hough-Whelpton, Marie and Tim Fewster, Mr and Mrs Stocks, Carol, Michael and Joanne Hodge, Steve and Rhoda, Hilary MacDonald, Andrew and Pamela Blackford, Mr and Mrs J Hough, Mike Godfrey, Jane and Sel Yates, Linden and Clare King, Lady Anne and Mr McCarthy, Angela Powell rep Allan Powell, Rhoda Goldberg, Leah Underwood, Sue and Sam Roebuck rep Residents Association, Oliver, Ingrid and Baby Oliver Hough-Whelpton, Mr and Mrs Victor Bowness rep Brigg Lions, Alan Mawer rep Residents Association, Bob Taylor rep Brigg Lions, Michelle Taylor rep Glen Taylor and Smith and Walker Opticians, Rachel Robinson rep Angela Powell Property Management, Alan Hall rep Lions Club International, Mike and Heather Johnson rep Ron and Barbara Allen, Jean Brand rep Alan and Jane Carnie
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