It’s Christmas time mum, you loved this time didn't you. Along with the snow and robins
I dread the next few weeks, wish I could sleep through it all.
I must think about you over a thousand times a day, wishing it not to be true.
I just hope with all my heart that I will see you again when it’s my time.
It’s killing me not to have you here with us.
I don’t say a lot of words, no one sees my pain. My heart is forever broken, until I’m with you again
With tears that go unnoticed & thoughts are secretly kept, you sacrificed us everything, I’m eternally in your debt
We were always together mum, always me and you, but now you’ve left me and I just don’t know what to do
I love you mum, simply put, I just wish you were here.
Forever my world, always your shadow
Forever xxxxxx x
Suzanne Raven