Hey Brother
I can’t believe I’m sat writing a tribute to YOU, a brother, a friend, a shelter in life’s storms.
You’ve protected me, defended me,
Made me laugh, made me cry.
As children you were my constant companion, my partner in mischief, the bold to my fearful in our adventures, the one to take my hand when I needed encouragement and say “come on, We can do this”
You have always guided me when I’ve been lost, my shining light showing me the way time and time again.
We had so much more to do, more laughs, more tears, more hugs, more dreams to make come true.
You leave behind you such a big hole in all our lives, you were, are and always will be loved beyond belief.
A thousand words won’t bring you back, i know because I’ve written them,
Neither will a thousand tears, I know that too brother because I’ve cried them.
For now you get to live your dream and fly solo, I hope you’ve found your happy place.
Rest in peace brother, gone far too soon. Love you forever Weeze 💔 xxx
Annie Capes