John Patrick MichaelHARRISON- Pat - The funeral of the late Mr John Patrick Michael (Pat) Harrison, aged 81 years took place at St John's Church, Brigg followed by an interment in Brigg Cemetery, on Monday 13th February 2023. Canon David Rowett officiated at the service. Funeral arrangements were made by J Naylor Funeral Directors FAMILY MOURNERS Mrs Elizabeth Harrison Wife, Mrs Carolyn Smith Daughter, Mrs Andrea Jordan Daughter, Mr Patrick Harrison Son, Mr Mick Smith Son in Law, Mr Darren Jordan Son in Law, Mrs Natalie Harrison Daughter in Law Rep Jake & Scarlett Grand children, Mrs Charmian Bakersmith Grand Daughter, Mrs Siobhan Smith-Riley Grand Daughter Rep Harrison & Elsie Great grandchildren, Joshua Jordan Grandson, Liam Jordan Grandson, Ryan Jordan Grandson, Sam Bakersmith, Tom Riley, Emily McGrory, Terry Johnson, Diane Johnson, Laura Johnson, Kelly Johnson, Michelle Bingley Smith, Rebecca Mundey, Amy Mundey, Rachel Mundey, Sam Barrett OTHER MOURNERS Sam Marrows, Carmen Elliott, Dave Holt rep Carol, Maggie Oreda rep Jake & Sam, Steve & Marie Jordon rep Bill Stringfellow, Dave & Natalie Jordan, Diane & John Blanchard, Trevor & Jayne Harrison rep Simon & Matthew, Josie Richards rep Val & Tony Gibson, Pricilla Streatfield rep Cliff, Ian Streatfield, Derrick Robinson and Family, Anthony & Jennifer, Mr & Mrs Jeff Duke, Ian Bell rep Alan Machin, Russ & Nicky Field, Lee Johnson, Thelma & George Johnson, Eric Gray & Roger Craddock, Keith Pochert, John & Jennifer Wallhead, Jackie & Paul Carter, Cath & Tom Merryman, Paul & Bez Keane, P Jaques, Emily Cranmer, Lisa Benson, Eunice Cranmer rep Mr & Mrs Stuart Cranmer, Michael Hughes rep Christine & family, Kerry Bull rep Brian Blackburn, Olivia Wells, Mathew Bull, Barry Aldan, Phil Walker, Tonka, Steven Humphreys, Bert Fewster, Jenny Cross, Pauline & Darren Brelsford, Gerry Johnson, Nigel Lidgard & family, Rebecca Cooper, Sophie Radley, John & Julia Pettitt, Lynn & Simon Harris, Callum O'Keefe, Linda Knight, Les Marsh, Justin & Gary Readshaw, John Glentworth, Thelma Glentworth rep Philip, Pat Bingley, Andrea & Darren Leake, Kerry & Liam Marchant, Colin Chudley, Mr & Mrs Melvin Chudley, Lynn & Paul Gibson, Penelope Smith, Mike Hills, Melanie Liens, Robbie Wray, Reece Wray, Dean & Johnny Wray, Michael Stevens, Debbie Harrison, Gary Stevens, Paul Bhatti, Michael & Liam Brownjohn rep Jane Brownjohn, Wendy & Phil Gibson, Anne & Ted Coggon, John Weston, Kevin Peart, Robert Beveridge, Steven & Elaine Mundey, Steven Marsh, David Marsh, John Marsh, John Goulsbra, Julie Clements rep Kevin Clements, Brian & Jane Marsh, Cliff Fryer, John Kettlewell, Mary Lewin Rep Chloe and Phillip, Andy Lewin, Marshall Lewin, John Lewin, Angela Lewin, Ben Morley, Melvyn & Sandra Dinsdale rep family, Sharon Woods rep Steve & family, Cecil & Judith Hurst, Sarah Conway, Joy Whiteley, Shirley Conway, Mr & Mrs Havercroft, Nigel & Cath Hindle, John Bray, Mr & Mrs Borrell, Sue & Robert Goulby, Kevin & Denise White, Shirley Smith, Jan Costello, Roger Greenfield, John & Mavis Stanley, Mr & Mrs Richard Wallhead, Alan Walker rep Ann Walker, Joey Johnson, Mr & Mrs John Read, Mrs Riggall rep Mr Riggall, Mr Mark Morris, Shirley Towns, Stuart Tindall, Nigel Beacock, Mr & Mrs D Fawcett rep Mary Carter-Bathgate & family, Kerry Richardson, Nigel Fisher - Freeman & Brigg rep Jayne & Debbie Fisher, Craig & Laura Dawson rep Chris & Jemma Mann, Mrs K Wright, Richard Hammond, Jim Whitwell, Pat & Alan Kempshell, John Williams, Katie & Jody Burton rep Mel & Geoff Burton, Lennox family, Paul & Annelies Mildreth, Robert Smith, Roselyn & Simon Shorthose, Christopher Langton, Angie Benson - Brigg Breast Cancer Support Group, C Rowbottom - Brigg Breast Cancer Support Group, Trudy Humphries, Lisa Coupland, Mr & Mrs Stephen Bell, Philip Clipson, Jacqueline Baker, Mary Hill, Nicola Hughes, Kev Gammidge, Lou Shorthose, Simon Nicholson rep Alan & Geoff Beevers, Graham Burgess, Kev Bond, Brian Adamson, Sandra Reynolds rep Barry Reynolds, Amy Benbow, Danny Hughes, Mr M Golden, John Riley, June Riley, Gill Holland, Steve Jordan, Greta Burkinshaw, Peter Burkinshaw, Kay Waddingham, Richard Waddingham -
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