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Funeral Service of Trevor Norman GLOVER

Scunthorpe | Published in: Scunthorpe Telegraph.

Jason Threadgold Funeral Director
Jason Threadgold Funeral Director
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Trevor NormanGLOVERList of mourners attending the Funeral service of the late Mr Trevor Norman Glover on Tuesday the 11th of June 2019 at St Andrew's Church, Kirton Lindsay, followed by Interment at Kirton Lindsay Cemetery. The service was officiated by Rev'd Kath Darby and Funeral arrangements by Jason Threadgold Funeral Director. Mary Glover - Wife, Ben Glover - Son, Anthony Wood - Son, Tara & David Burgess - Daughter & Son in Law, Sophie King, Malcolm Glover, Debra Glover, Ruth & Morgan Glover, Nicola Glover, Stag, Debbie, Ruth & Morgan Glover, Mrs Christie, Josie Tuyxuz, Neil Leadbottom, Lizzy Kilcoyne, Tom Rawoe, John, Pauline & Vicky Barker, Angela Cox, Brian Boothman, Pete Yallop, Mr & Mrs Martin, Abbie Finch, Rob Johnson, Millie Fauchworth, Brummie, Phil & Ken Cragg, Neil Morrison, George Spindley, Sarah Smith, E Bedford representing Lynn & Mick Rodon, D Hollingsworth, Andrew & John Burnett, Von Johnson representing Auntie Joyce, Janet Pennington, K Lloyd, M Morrison, Sue Topliss representing Lyn Stewart, J Payne, G Smith representing Ken Smith, J Barnal, Gemma Coy, Mr & Mrs Angrove, P Saunders, Sarah Skellon, L Hale, Jolene Bolton, Hilary & John Robinson, K & J Holmes, Brian Toyne, Robert Farrell, Kim Morrison, C Coventry, Kay & Eddie Fraiwald, Anna & Mike Breslin, Brian Forster, Anthony Thomas, Matt Pearce, Ian Smith, Emily Kiball, Chris & Jenny Hill, Peter Ireland representing Mrs Ireland, Ann & Peter Green, Ian Robertson, Mark Wallace, John Munnerry, S.A. Watson, M Munnery. Rob Green, John Spindley, D Whiteman, Liz & Barry Bucks, Terry Spindley, Nick Ray, David Green representing Denise Green, Ida Rook, Fiona Munn representing Edna Robinsons, J Hauton & Family, Diane Bowles, Marcus Spindley, Brenda Tyzack, Lyn & Malcolm Larby, Chloe Rogers, S & I Handley, Kelly Rogers, J Morris, Chloe White, M Buckley, Rachael Todd, R & M Statterfield, Mark Spindley, Rachel Steel, P Cook, Steve Munn, Mr R Button, D Parish Winter representing Diane, Marlene & Roy Weston, Mr & Mrs Dent, Gus Goodall, Mr & Mrs Cantey, Cally Warriner, Shaun Potterton representing James, Juliet Render, Julie Kiddle representing Bridgewater Park, David Vergrass, S Thicket, W Weightman, N Armstrong, N Bennett, I Goodson, K & G Holmes, Becky Withworth The family would like to thank Macmillan Nurses and Lindsey Lodge Hospice for their support, and Jason Threadgold Funeral Directors for their professional and personal service.
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1627 visitors
Published: 03/07/2019
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