Gorgeous Margaret, such an amazing lady taken far too early.
I worked with you many years ago at the rehabilitation centre. You had the biggest heart and soul. I remember you for all the giggling you used to do, I can see you now just giggling with happiness. You and Brian were always giggling when he came to the centre, rays of sunshine and very happy together. We had a wonderful time together at work to the point where we decided to have a little trip down to Devon. There were 5 of us, with your gorgeous Sarah who you absolutely loved and adored. We had a fabulous time. I remember how much you loved your family in particular your sister who we got to know. I imagine Marie was incredibly proud when you became a physiotherapist, what a wonderful achievement. As I write this I think how devastating but immensely proud every one of your friends and family will be.
I loved being your colleague and friend Margaret. Fly high with the angels and rest peacefully knowing how much sparkle you brought to everyone’s lives, not forgetting those you treated and cared for.
xxxx🩷 xxxx