Robert, or "Rob" as we knew him, first worked as a talented painter/decorator/craftsman in Queen Victoria Road, in the first half of the 1960s (when Anthony was c,11 approaching 60 years ago).
Over the decades Rob became a friend for several generations of the family, grand-parents in Erw Road,and Anthony's parents in QVR. Rob was a constant and willing presence of support and proactive help. Rob absorbed the extending family as 40 years + on Brigitte and then daughters Caroline and Emily ultimately made an appearance.
Latterly in relation to Mother, in addition to Rob, Anne and Rachel helped and advised , greatly with regard to her support. Mother "thinks/thought " the world of Rob
Rob was a born raconteur, whose stories always cheered. ..... particularly most recently over conversation with his motorbike which was resting in the garage in QVR!
Rob, a talented individual, and very much a gentleman and friend, RIP. A great privilege to have known you.
Anthony and Brigitte Ward and family
Anthony Ward