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Funeral Service of Ivy Ruler CRANE

Immingham | Published in: Grimsby Telegraph.

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H & HJ Huteson & Sons Funeral Directors, Immingham
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Ivy RulerCRANEA funeral service for Mrs. Ivy Ruler Crane (94) of Immingham, who passed away on 4th February 2020, was conducted by Reverend Julie Donn at St. Andrew's Church, Immingham on Wednesday 26th February 2020 and was followed by committal at Mill Lane Cemetery, Immingham. Family mourners attending: Maureen & Arthur Barker, daughter & son-in-law, Pat & Bill MacBeath, daughter & son-in-law, Sharon & Glyn MacDonald, daughter & son-in-law, Susan & Andrew Plant, grandaughter & husband, Steven MacBeath, grandson (also rep. Catherine, Imogen and Sam MacBeath), Paul & Anne MacDonald and Meg, grandson & wife, Michael & Steph Barker, grandson & wife, Lynne Walker, grandaughter (also rep. Chris Walker and Callum Hoggarth), Robert MacBeath, grandson (also rep. Mandy Meers & Alison Wingate), Kevin & Alison MacDonald, grandson & wife, Julie & Paul Smith, grandaughter & husband, Sammy Neal, great grandaughter, Ellie Cruddas, great grandaughter, Elkie MacDonald, great grandaughter (also rep. Nathan MacDonald, Robert & Debbie Mantle), Georgia MacDonald, great grandaughter, Isobel Walker, great grandaughter, Jessica MacDonald, great grandaughter, Harvey Walker, great grandson, Henry MacDonald, great grandson, Mr & Mrs. B. Stuart, niece & husband, Mr & Mrs. G. Power, nephew & wife, Mr & Mrs D. Hutterby, nephew & wife, Mrs. J Cox, niece, Mrs. W Steward, niece, Mrs. M Burns, niece, Mr. D. Dawson, nephew, Mr. & Mrs. M. & S. Dawson, nephew & wife Others attending included: Mrs. E. James (also rep. Mr. & Mrs. J. Walton), Mrs. B Tuplin, Mr & Mrs. J. Woods (also rep. Sam & Sally), Mrs. D. Cruddas, Mrs. E Bingham, Mr. C. Bingham (also rep. Mr. & Mrs. R. Thornally), Mrs. B. Matthews (also rep. Mrs. V. Watson), Mr. E. Horne, Mrs. B. McGregor (also rep. Mr. R. McGregor & Miss. M. Smith), Mr. & Mrs. G. Drewrey, Mr. B Taylor (also rep. Norman Wisdom), Mrs. C. Neal, Mrs. N. Flodman, Mr. & Mrs. J. Row, Mrs. J. Braithwaite, Mr. T. Trowers (also rep. Mrs D. Trowers), Mrs. J. Maplethorpe, Mr. S. & Mrs. T. Briggs (also rep. The Staff of Glyn Thomas House), Mrs. C. Burton, Miss B. Walsham Funeral arrangements were by H & HJ Huteson & Sons of Barton-upon-Humber, Immingham & Winterton.
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Published: 04/03/2020
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Rob MacBeath