Horace MilsonCHAPMANA funeral service for Mr. Horace Milson Chapman (91) of Barton-upon-Humber, who passed away on 6th September 2019, was conducted by Mr. Ken Richardson at St. Peters Church, East Halton on Wednesday 18th September 2019 and was followed by committal at East Halton Cemetery. Family mourners attending: Sally & James Fussey (also rep. Molly Kitchen, sister), daughter & son-in-law, Paul Chapman, son, Amanda & Chris Fisher, daughter & son-in-law, Faye & Ashley Hurren, granddaughter & husband, Kerry Chapman, granddaughter, Hannah & Rachael Fussey, granddaughters, Samantha Chapman, granddaughter, Benjamin Chapman, grandson, Mr. & Mrs. M. Gissing, brother-in-law & wife, Mr. & Mrs. T. Bainborough, niece & husband, Mr. & Mrs. R. Gissing, nephew, Miss L. Cox (also rep. Adrian & Marcus Cox & Family), niece, Mrs. S. Borrill (also rep. Mr. T. Borrill & Gissing Family), niece Others attending included: Mr. G. Welton, Mr. W. Pankhurst, Mr. Rob Rose (also rep. Helen & Eileen), Mr. R. Witter, Mr. & Mrs. M. Robinson, Mr. K. Harding (also rep. Ro), Mr. S. Higgins, Mr. S. Turner (also rep. Mr. & Mrs. G. Turner, Mr. & Mrs. A. Turner & Mrs. A. Petch), Mr. M. Bennett (also rep. Mr. & Mrs. R. Bennett), Mrs. E. Reeves (also rep. Mr. K. Ready), Mr. C. Beel, Mr. L. Beel, Mr. S. Chapman (also rep. Mr. & Mrs. D. Chapman & Family), Mr. P. Bray (also rep. PJB Transport), Mrs. A. Hull (also rep. DFS), Mrs. K. Johnson, Miss S. Johnson, Mr. G. Thorpe (also rep. Mr. J. Schofield), Mrs. A. Lawson, Mr. J. Herring, Mr. & Mrs. L. Fairburn, Mr. G. Turner Mr. & Mrs. M. Horner, Mr. D. Dent (also rep. Mr. R. Brown), Mr. & Mrs. R. Smith Mr. G. Wells (also rep. Wells Family), Mr. & Mrs. S. Mercer, Mr. & Mrs. J. Welton, Mrs. J. Barker (also rep. Mr. A. Barker, Mr. W. Barker & East Halton School), Mrs. M. Roebuck, Mr. W. May, Mr. S. James (also rep. All at LPE), Mr. & Mrs. J. Marsh, Mr. K. Williamson, Mr. P. Turner, Mr. & Mrs. T. Newboult (also rep. Lincoln Longwool Sheep Breeder's Association), Mr. C. Pinchbeck, Mr. R. Alderson (also rep. Brown & Co, Miss J. Strawson & Mr. P. Dunn), Mr. R. Quarton Funeral arrangements were by H & HJ Huteson & Sons of Barton-upon-Humber, Immingham & Winterton.
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