BarryCAMPSELLList of mourners attending the Funeral service of the late Mr Barry Campsell on Wednesday 16th March 2022 at Woodlands Crematorium, Scunthorpe. The service was officiated by Mrs Michelle Button with Funeral arrangements by Jason Threadgold Funeral Director. Avril Campsell - Wife representing Stephen Campsell - Son, Angela & Jayne -Daughters, Martin - Son in Law, June & Ena - Barry's Sisters, Matthew, Nathan, Lee, Adam & Kieran - Grandsons, Donna & Leighanne -Grandsons Partners, Bethan, Harry, Kacie, Kiera, Ruby, Esmee, Erin - Great Grandchildren, Barry & Lindsey Cooper - Brother-in-Law & Sister-in-Law , Kevin & Joyce Cooper - Brother-in-Law & Sister-in-Law, Martin & Gareth Cooper - Nephews, Gabby Cooper - Niece. Phil Swannick, Sue & Shaun Freeman,Kath Brown, Ciera, Lisa, June Ellis, Lisa Pickford, Nigel Brown representing Derek & Susan Brown, Debbie Brown, Wendy Lockwood representing John, Carol Cowling, Joyce Cowling, Marion Hawkes representing Steph & Kat, Simon Spencer representing John, Sally Fox, Anne Wilson, Simon Crowston, Linda Cowling representing Michael Cowling, Linda Willey, Hayley Taylor & Esme Thompson, Paula Allison representing Graham Allison, Mr & Mrs Keaton, Caroline Adlard, Mrs Smithson, Mrs Tindall, Margaret & Gary Hornsby, Joyce Drinkall, Joanne Neal, Anthony Keaton, Liz Bell, Tony Langton representing Sue Langton, Carl & Lorraine Allan, Mr & Mrs Kevin Bowman, Sharon Briers, Amy Garwell, Lisa Wood, David Cross, Nicky Acaster.
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