Francis ArthurBIDDLE2 years ago today Dad, you were called back into the arms you longed to be, your sweetheart, our Mum.
If only Dad, we could have you back with us, for just one day, to sit and hold your hand so tight; to serve your favourite meal and pour you a glass of Whiskey Mac to warm the cockles of your heart. To listen to your life stories and laugh and cry together as we so often did, before, once more, our hearts would break again, we would whisper you one last 'Goodnight, God Bless, Love you more Dad' gently kiss your forehead. You would give your wave and return you to Mums care. If only Dad.
We will love and miss you every day Popsicles, until we meet again, we will see you in our dreams.
Linda & Steve, Ian & Ann, your Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren XXXX
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