Ray and Margaret I have known me since I was a child in Chesham. We have met in Denmark many times and had the pleasure of there company.
They have stayed us and Ray has always been the soul of the party.
He was an amazing husband who always showed his love even in the last difficult years. A man with a heart of gold. I remember our visit in Welshpool and the missed surprise visit in December two days after Ray passed. We were so close and yet so far away. You are truly missed and never forgotten.
We send love to Margaret, Vince and the other children at this sad time.
I think Ray is watching over you all and probably has finally found peace.
Deeply loved and never forgotten.
Thank you Ray for being part of our lives for so many years.
All our love Pat,Lars,Dominique, Danielle, Oliver, Kristian , and Nikoline❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Pat Povelsen