Hi Bro, another week has gone by without you 💔 I play videos of you laughing and singing, hearing your voice brings comfort but it doesn't seem possible your gone.. you were so funny, nobody could make me laugh like you did.. your room is nearly completed I hope you like it sweetheart.. so you stopped messing around with the washing machine door thankyou for that Bro.. Now your messing with my hoover 🤣 I know it's you!!! Elf flew off the shelf yesterday for no reason, I know that was you too, Andre and I both said at the same time "Jerry's misbehaving again" I've never really believed in such things (I do now) and I love it Bro xx.. tonight as we sat down for tea there was an almighty crash bang wallop upstairs, the dogs went mad, Vinnie actually got out his bed.. I went upstairs and Cory & Jowans picture was on the floor, never fallen off the wall before... I don't mind you doing things but remember.. All breakages must be paid for 😉 how many times did I say that to you lol.. Lee & Justin have been and finished your little corner for us and put a nice fence up, do you like it? God I miss you Bro, keep visiting us my darling 😘 The chain will never be broken I love you xx whey whey xxxx
Whey whey