Alun LloydWILLIAMSTachwedd 30, 2024.
Yn ei gartref, Fron Felus, Pwllglas, bu farw Al, yn dawel yng nghwmni ei anwyliaid, yn 67 mlwydd oed. Mab annwyl Gwenda a'r diweddar Ogwen, brawd gofalgar Huw ac Ella, Iona ac Eirwyn, ewythr balch a hwyliog Dylan, Llinos, Ian, Sioned a'u teuluoedd, ffrind arbennig Bernie. Roed ffrind gwerthfawr a thriw i bawb.
Cynhelir Gwasanaeth o ddioch ac i ddathlu bywyd Al, yng Nghapel Y Tabenacl, Rhuthun, ddydd Iau, Rhagfyr 19 am 2 o'r gloch. Os dymunir, derbynnir yn ddiolchgar, roddion er cof, tuag at Ymchwil Canser.
November 30, 2024. Al died peacefully, at his home Fron Felus, Pwllglas, in the presence of his loved ones aged 67 years. Dearest son of Gwenda and the late Ogwen, caring brother of Huw and Ella, Iona and Eirwyn, proud and fun loving uncle of Dylan, Llinos, Ian, Sioned and their families, special friend of Bernie. He was a valued and faithful friend to all. A service of thanks and celebration of Al's life will be held at The Tabernacl Chapel, Ruthin on Thursday, December 19 at 2pm. If desired, donations will be gratefully received in memory towards Cancer Research UK.
Arrangements by Dowell Brothers Funeral Directors of Ruthin.
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