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Acknowledgement for John Meredydd Wyn PRICHARD

Llanfairfechan | Published in: Daily Post.

D Roberts Funeral Director
D Roberts Funeral Director
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John Meredydd WynPRICHARDDymuna Helen, Ceri, Alun a Ruth a'u teuluoedd ddiolch am bob arwydd o gydymdeimlad a charedigrwydd a estynwyd iddynt yn eu profedigaeth o golli gwr, tad a taid annwyl.

Ddiolch i Trystan Lewis am arwain y Gwasanaeth ac i Donald Roberts a'i staff am eu trefniadau gofalus.

Rhdym yn ddiolchgar gel teulu am y rhoddion hael tuag at Diabetes' UK Cymru er cof am John.

Ddiolch i Bawb.

* * * * *

Helen, Ceri, Alun and Ruth and their families wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all for the kindness and sympathy shown to them following the loss of a beloved husband, father and taid.

Thank you to Trystan Lewis for a special service and to Donald Roberts and staff for their caring arrangements.

We appreciate also all the generous donations to Diabetes UK Cymru in remembrance of John.

Thanks to all.
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656 visitors
Published: 10/01/2024
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