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Funeral Service of James Roy COUSINS (Roy)

Grimsby | Published in: Grimsby Telegraph.

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James RoyCOUSINSThe funeral service for James Roy Cousins (79), took place at Grimsby Crematorium and was conducted by Della Brett Family Mourners: Heather Cousins, wife; Gillian Hanson, daughter; Stewart Hanson, son-in-law; Mark Cousins, son; Judith Cousins Woodrow, daughter-in-law; Eleanor Hanson and Matthew Mumby, granddaughter and partner; Euan Hanson, grandson; Anna Cousins Woodrow, granddaughter (also rep Clara); Shirley Williams, sister; Pauline and George Proctor, sister-in-law and brother-in-law; Judith Ranson, sister-in-law (also rep Pete); Valerie Cordrey, niece (also rep Terry): Simon and Tonia Ranson, nephew and wife; Susan and David Wells, niece and husband; Alan Williams and Julie Brown, nephew and partner; Kendra and Paul Ryan, niece and husband (also rep Josh and Jacob): Edwina and Laurence Bryant, niece and husband (also rep Amelia and Isabelle): Benjamin Wells, great nephew (also rep Eddie): Carol and David Molton, cousin and husband; Rosie Molton,; John Thompson and Vanessa Cook, cousin and partner; Andrew Thompson; Simon Thompson; Pennells Staff Guard of Honour:Richard Pennell, Will Pennell, Rachel Girling, Rebecca Kirk, Marcus Lowe, Pauline Hough, Amy Templeman, Sandra Norris, Sue Shaw, Susan Carroll, Louise Bridge, Stephanie Doore, Lucy Templeman, Sara Doore, Olena Green, Mathew Butterfield, Mark Smith, Richard Robson, Pauline Carr, Neil Kenyon, Christopher Weeden, Janice Woodward, Don Wiseman, Liam Pettinger, Jonathan Carroll, Jack Tasker (also rep Henry Tasker); Mark Carroll (also rep Sarah and family);Anne Sagel (also rep Richard Sagel);Julie Clarke (also rep Pam Borrill and Astrit Bunjaku) Emma Wade (also rep Davina Boggis); Sarah Middleton (also rep Andrew Middleton and Hope Middleton); Others Attending: Jeremy and Alexandra Healy, Philip and Jennifer Dunham, David and Julie Griffin, Jürgen and Gill Strempel, Ced, Vera and Matthew Blackbourne, Archie and Sue Ayre, Philip and Joanne Barker, Adam and Abbi Fanthorpe, Tony and Carolyn Roberts, Michael and Kay Loveday, John Lowday and Angela Woodcock, Terry and Patricia Drew, Alan and Sarah Browne, Michael and Lesley Drew, Stephen and Carolyn Charles (also rep Natalie and Philip Charles): Nigel and Jenny Lewis (also rep James, Adam and Gemma Lewis): Tom and Joanna Rutherford (also rep Millstone Garden Centre, Cheapside); Barry and Mandy Atkin (also rep Anthony and Mathew, Natasha and Emily): James, Elizabeth and Lily Clarke (also rep Adam and Layla Clarke and family): Messrs: Michael Tripp, Eddie Clarke, Bruce Carroll, Jamie Smith, Joseph Everatt, Paul Barker, Richard Griffin, Rob Griffin, Geoff Payne, Neville Hutson, Graham Norris, Graham Waters, John Roberts, Fred Wadsworth, Keith Suddrey, Stuart Palmer, Adrian Marsh, David Pett, Richard Foster (also rep Nathan Foster); William Rowe (also rep Ruth Goodwins): Robert Nuttall (also rep Catherine Nuttall); Simon Crowder (also rep the Crowder family): Neil Mumby (also rep Zoe Baker and Julia Mumby): Mesdames and Misses: Anne Sutton, Hannah Carroll, Ruth Parker, Surinder Fowler, Kate Everatt, Margaret Sherriff, Sophie Gibbs, Hilary Wright, Helen Rudkin, Pamela Ritchie, Marie Jolly, Susan Edwards, Nicky Garlick, Iris Bashforth, Liz Hood (also rep Matt): Jean Evans (also rep Keith Miller): Lyn Walker (also rep Mark Walker):Marilyn Woodrow (also rep Terence): Gail Bateson (also rep Karen Francis): Moira Waters (also rep Matthew Waters): Cherry Tingle (also rep the Tingle family): Angela Hill (also rep the Fountains Care Home): Anita Atkin (also rep James Atkin, Jayde and Roman); Rachel Staniforth (also rep Richard, Charlotte and Emily): Lesley Hallett (also rep Jennifer Goodman and Rebecca Williams): Rebecca Braithwaite (also rep Pharmacy Department Diane Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby): Arrangements were by Waltham Funeral Service
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Published: 05/11/2024
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